Christ Lutheran Stained Glass Window

Inspirational Worship


Sunday, July 14

Worship at 9:30 am

9:30 am Worship (In-Person and Facebook Live)

Discipleship Classes at 10:45 am

Facebook Live Streaming

Watch & Listen to Pastor John’s Sermons

“Inspirational Worship: Welcome to the Heart of Christ in the City” is the third of four videos that highlight each area of the mission statement of Christ Lutheran Church.

Worship is the time and place when we connect with Jesus both individually and as a body of believers. He speaks to us through His written word and through the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and we speak to Him through our songs and hymns, prayers and offerings, offered in two uniquely prepared and presented worship settings and times.

(Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic) At 8:15 am we offer a traditional Lutheran service with full liturgy and hymnody. Then at 10:45 am, for those new to the church or looking for something less traditional and formal, we offer a blended service. This service blends a variety of types of music and instrumentation and visual and media elements with a few of the traditional liturgy pieces to make for a more contemporary and affective service.

How will I know what to do?

All of our services are written out in easy to read and follow worship folders. We project the worship notes and songs onto our large screen. We also print large-type service folders for those who prefer a bolder type setting.

Can I worship anonymously?

Yes. You will not be asked to publicly introduce yourself or stand up or anything of that nature.

How long are the worship services?

On an average they last one hour, give or take ten minutes. The services with Holy Communion tend to last just over an hour, while the non-communion services are usually under one hour.

What are the worship services like?

They are an eclectic mix of styles and forms. One thing consistent in all our services is a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a true worship of His name.

(Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic) For those who like tradition and ceremony the 8:15 am worship service is the one to attend. To those who like a more relaxed setting and less formality the 10:45 am service is the best choice.

What time are your services?

9:30 am

Are children welcome?

