Jesus Poster

Relevant Education

Sunday, July 14

Worship at 9:30 am

9:30 am Worship (In-Person and Facebook Live)

Discipleship Classes at 10:45 am

Facebook Live Streaming

Concordia Publishing House

Pastor’s Discipleship Class (Archives from Pandemic)

“Relevant Education: The Bible Comes Alive Here!” is the first of four videos that highlight each area of the mission statement of Christ Lutheran Church.

The last, but certainly not the least, of our four-fold mission approach in connecting people to Jesus is through relevant education. Our goal is not simply to teach a series of Bible facts and/or stories, but to teach God’s word in such a way that its relevancy for our lives is readily seen and can be applied.

The centerpiece of our Sunday morning education for children is discipleship classes designed to teach children and youth God’s Word through multi-sensory activities and lessons. Children and youth are taught about who Jesus is and what He has done for us, what we believe, why we believe it, and what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

Adults have the opportunity to attend a variety of classes, ranging from clergy led to laity led, offered on Sunday mornings, or midweek, studying the books of the Bible in depth or focusing on the practical needs of daily life.

When is your Sunday Christian Education hour?

10:45 – 11:30 am. We hope to see your children there.

What classes do you offer during your Sunday Christian Education hour?

We offer interactive learning experiences where the children learn about God’s love and the events and people of the Bible.

Additional Educational Opportunities

In addition to these Sunday morning classes we also offer an adult midweek class on Thursday mornings during the school year, and a Catechism class for our 7th and 8th graders preparing for Confirmation.


Pastor John leads an adult class that generally dissects and discusses the Bible, one book and/or topic at a time. This group meets in the fellowship hall.
